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A Python based monitoring and tracking tool for Plex Media Server.

Initial Setup#

First you must connect to your slot via ssh. If you need help connecting to the server, please read the help article here.

Installing Tautulli is easy. Simply issue the following command:

box install plexpy

This command will configure Tautulli for your user.

How to Access#

Once Tautulli has been installed, you can access it from your browser at https://<>/plexpy.

Service Management#

Like all box configured applications, you can manage Tautulli via SSH with box with start, stop, restart, enable and disable commands.

box start plexpy


Upon visiting your Tautulli dashboard for the first time, the welcome wizard will run.

  1. Sign in with Plex
  2. Input settings for Plex:
Plex IP:
Post: <your plex port>
  1. Run through the rest of the wizard.
  2. Tautulli is now connected to Plex.